The Card Deck That Ends Boredom With Baby! Introducing BabyBrew Activities!

gifts new parents newborn Apr 30, 2023

As a new mom have you ever had a day where your baby has napped, you’ve fed them, you’ve changed their diaper… and then thought now what do I do with them?! As you look into each other’s eyes, secretly hoping that your baby may give you a clue or that the next Google search you do might actually be helpful, you realize you don’t know who the heck to trust about how to engage or play with your baby outside of people saying “do tummy time.”

The World Health Organization suggests that infants less than 1 year be physically active several times a day in a variety of ways, particularly through interactive floor-based play.  This interactive playtime does not mean you have to buy the latest & greatest toys on the market or fill your house with endless craft supplies to make the DIY trends you see on social media. It is much simpler.

All your baby needs is YOU! Not perfect you, just you.

The folks at BabyBrew Activities have gathered up a team of specialists in fields such as Pediatric Physical Therapy and Speech Language Pathology to develop a tool for parents who have a desire for intentional and purposeful playtime with their babies. You no longer have to spend countless hours researching developmentally appropriate ways to interact with your baby. The activities are minimal, ‘Baby & Me’-styled with a variety of ideas that encourages physical, cognitive, language and social development. They’ve done all the research and put it into easy-to-use cards that are organized by age! Whaaaaat?!

Getting rid of the guesswork? Ummmm yes… please sign me up!

The BabyBrew Activities card collection is an awesome resource to guide you and takes the guesswork out of what to do so that you can just enjoy your time with baby. No more anxiety about what to do or wondering if you’re doing the right thing. No more boredom, because each deck has a ton of cards to choose from!

Get your cards today using promo code "Thrive" for your special discount and gain the freedom to play with your baby without the stress of overthinking. Happy playing!



1. WHO Publication: Guidelines on Physical Activity Sedentary Behavior and Sleep for Children Under 5 Years of Age

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